Monday, November 29, 2010

book review: Inside Out by Barry Eisler

I have always been able to enjoy Barry Eisler's Rain books even though I don't agree with his political views.  In the Rain books the Japanese Liberal Democratic party is viewed with more than just sympathy.  They are viewed as out and out good guys, with the Conservative party being shown as under-handed immoral gangsters.  However, the quality writing of the books was able to shine through.  As a matter of fact, the Rain series has always been one of, if not my very favorite.  With that being said, lets move on to his latest work, Inside Out.
I have to say, first off, that unlike most of Eisler's other books and most other thrillers, there are no glowing reviews on the jacket from other authors or industry types.  The reviews on the cover are all from left wing cooks who work for such liberal sites such as the Huffington Post.  I really don't understand how anyone on that side of the fence or who are so-called experts at the terrorist torture game could actually give this book a glowing review.
This is one of the worst books ever written....period.  There is no story, the characters are not developed properly, all of the action in the book is pointless, and does nothing to help move the plot along.  The entire second half of the book is nothing more than a political rant.  on top of that there is no conclusion.  The reader is treated with some lame ending teasing with another story to come.  I firmly believe had the book been written by some lesser known author with no name recognition, it would have trashed and never published. 
Inside Out is the continuation of the book Faultline.  The only thing it has in common with it's predecessor however is the characters of Hort and Ben.  Unlike Inside Out, Faultline was action packed and told a nice story to boot.  All of it's action was well paced and served a purpose throughout the book.  Inside Out is obviously just Eisler's political view on the torture and treatment of detainees that he felt he needed to get out there.  That is fine, but the overall feeling of the book is rushed and amateurish.  If the next book in the series starts out like the series starts out like this one ended, I may be weened off of Barry Eisler for good.

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